Wow a new year already. And I'm guessing two of your resolutions are first to initiate a large-scale personal growth spurt. And, second, to make 2025 the best year ever for you, your family, your relationships and your business... So, welcome to Neville Christie's website!
Which is a site dedicated to these two big resoltions
Along with STEEP Renaissance - a hugely important new initiative that can benefit you as a SME Owner, CEO, entrepreneur, or collaborating innovator.
03 January 2025
Given all the tsunam-like events that have hit us globally this decade, the 40+ that are still to come, and the new imperatives that result, we claim with some sadness...
"The past is now a dead country. Anyone whose mindset is locked into that dead past is now either dead, dying, obsolete, or redundant." - a #Nevilleism.
New imperatives
As a result, there are now a long list of new imperatives for individuals, families, businesses and our social, technological, ecological, economic and political [STEEP] institutions to plan and implement.
which is why this site, and www.steeprenaissance.com exists: To reveal to you the what, why,and how of these new imperatives.
YOU? Could you be uneasy about your past and present life style, and career or business activities? WHY? Because you sense, or know, they're no longer the best fit for your changing needs, or sustainable in our rapidly changing, and climate boiling, world? Yes?
You are strongly motivated to transform you, your business, your career, and to make a positive dent in the emerging universe? Yes? You have experience and expertise in transforming and growing individuals, businesses or organisations? Yes? Your expertise is backed by your own or licensed intellectual property? Yes? Then, it’s important we dialogue. No cost, and no obligation, of course. For it's time all of us dance with AI, embrace the sustainable, recycling and sharing economies, deep dive into the riches of our psyches, and explode our human consciousness and capabilities. Why ? Because the times they are a changin'. Massively. And, now the names of the game, are: sustainability, community, innovating collaboratively, dramatising our IP and know-how, dancing with AI, deep-diving into and unfolding the riches of our psyches, transforming us, our business models and our businesses, sharing resources, venturing jointly, and massively exploding our human consciousness and capabilities. Wow! Just let this next image seep deep into your consciousness. Feel it's implications.
You are strongly motivated to transform you, your business, your career, and to make a positive dent in the emerging universe? Yes? You have experience and expertise in transforming and growing individuals, businesses or organisations? Yes? Your expertise is backed by your own or licensed intellectual property? Yes? Then, it’s important we dialogue. No cost, and no obligation, of course. For it's time all of us dance with AI, embrace the sustainable, recycling and sharing economies, deep dive into the riches of our psyches, and explode our human consciousness and capabilities. Why ? Because the times they are a changin'. Massively. And, now the names of the game, are: sustainability, community, innovating collaboratively, dramatising our IP and know-how, dancing with AI, deep-diving into and unfolding the riches of our psyches, transforming us, our business models and our businesses, sharing resources, venturing jointly, and massively exploding our human consciousness and capabilities. Wow! Just let this next image seep deep into your consciousness. Feel it's implications.
You and I, and all of us, are living in unprecedented times:
1. As Mother Nature hits us back, HARD...
2. As pandemics, major disruptions, chaos, and transformations impact our social, technological, ecological, economic, political (S.T.E.E.P.) systems, structures and fabrics worldwide.
3. As, vitally, now as a plelthora of new technologies like artificial intelligence, automation technologies, quantum computing, 3D-4D manufacturing, augmented and virtual reality, new brain science and break-throughs in humanm business and organisational transformation technologies, aid us:
* deep dive into our psyches to find new potential, and abundant riches
* enhance our thinking
* transform our mind sets
* explode the range and depth of our capabities and masteries, and, just like computers and the internet did,
* transform the jobs, work processes, and outputs of every business and organisation.
Truly an amazing, and dangerous, time to be alive!
Consider the enormous paradigm shift these two images represent:
As a life-long optimistic realist, I Neville Christie at 81 years vibrant, maintain there is new life, a better, sustainable world, and a STEEP Renaissance at the end of the dark tunnels hallmarking this decade.
Provided, that is:
* we pull together in collaborating, and sustainable innovating communities and businesses
* we slow down our obsession with the consumption and debt-financed economy
* we offer and accept mutual support, and share resources
* we embrace AI, and assist the automation of repetitive tasks, and the digitisation of knowledge-based industries
* we transform our mindsets
* we manifest massive surges in human thinking, decision-making and capabilities
* we do act globally to arrest the climate-induced tsunami-like waves of destruction.
Flowering of human capabilities
Fundamentally the STEEP Renaissance is a flowering of human capabilities enhanced by AI and other life-changing technologies - which translate into social, technological, ecological, economic and political [STEEP] transformations, and far better futures . Hopefully better futures, for all - not just a small number of nations, and a tiny cohort of super-powerful corporations and individuals.
My personal transformation
Which is what I am now all about working to bring about...
After reinventing myself every three years of the 71 years of my 83 years I've been in business.
After undertaking 3-5 different roles every year, mentoring over 2,000 CEOs one-to-one in groups. And after playing a part-time, active role in over 2,000 businesses.
After striving now to eventually reduce my belongings to one suitcase and a carry on bad.
And now as I ride the greatest growth spurt of my entire life.
What’s the light ahead at the end?
Just like the remarkable Italian Renaissance that emerged after the Black Plague... This new era of a STEEP Renaissance could bring positive transformations and hope to our world.
What are other elements of the STEEP Renaissance?
* the merging of the 4th Industrial Revolution into the 5th * the surging of Millennials with different values, perspecives, and different brain-wiring into leadership and their own businessess * the merging of high talent with AI * the spread of new-science based technologies * collaborating, co-operating, community, resource sharing, innovating jointly * the mass enhancement of human thinking, consciousness and capabilities. All this means: The role of the solo entrepreneur is now unnecessarily lonesome Now, staying the same or going it alone, leads to fizzle! And to a world that only a few want! And even less benefit from.
* the merging of the 4th Industrial Revolution into the 5th * the surging of Millennials with different values, perspecives, and different brain-wiring into leadership and their own businessess * the merging of high talent with AI * the spread of new-science based technologies * collaborating, co-operating, community, resource sharing, innovating jointly * the mass enhancement of human thinking, consciousness and capabilities. All this means: The role of the solo entrepreneur is now unnecessarily lonesome Now, staying the same or going it alone, leads to fizzle! And to a world that only a few want! And even less benefit from.
See: ShareRing - a digital identity blockchain-based ecosystem I co-founded in 2018. We now have offices in 6 countries, and over 60 team members.
Personal transformation the kick-start
One key to all our futures, is for us to blitzkrieg, integrate, and dramatize our joint wisdom, experience, know-how, and our transformational intellectual property.
1. We start with personal and team transformation. Then move on to business and organisational transformation.
2. Next, we mix what we've created over many years, with the hard evidence of brain-mind, psychological, new science, and social research, to create, true "remarkables" . The form of these"remarkables" ? These remarkables take the form of DIY-focussed learning, growth, development, transformation, and transcendent insights, tools, techniques and technologies... that are formatted as blogs, articles, videos, apps, AI systems, white papers, plays, eBooks, seminars, podcasts, simulations, workshops, therapy groups, roundtables, mentoring, coaching, VR systems, and whatever else our creative minds can invent.
3. Then we add the mind-enhancing resources of Artificial Intelligence technologies, like ChatGPT, to provide: * customization * much more grunt. * an abundance of variations. * strong marketing copy.
4. Next, using a turn-key system now nearly developed, we act as separate centres of influence, and we progressively drip feed what we’ve jointly created, to our big, wide, wonderful world - over the whole of this decade.
5. This, in turn requires we alter the nature and form of our core businesses, so we can truly leverage and upscale what we've jointly created. The core Dream Team of STEEPRenaissance are expert in facilitating all this with you.
That's enough to keep us all collaboratively innovating and busy for 10 years!
One key to all our futures, is for us to blitzkrieg, integrate, and dramatize our joint wisdom, experience, know-how, and our transformational intellectual property.
1. We start with personal and team transformation. Then move on to business and organisational transformation.
2. Next, we mix what we've created over many years, with the hard evidence of brain-mind, psychological, new science, and social research, to create, true "remarkables" . The form of these"remarkables" ? These remarkables take the form of DIY-focussed learning, growth, development, transformation, and transcendent insights, tools, techniques and technologies... that are formatted as blogs, articles, videos, apps, AI systems, white papers, plays, eBooks, seminars, podcasts, simulations, workshops, therapy groups, roundtables, mentoring, coaching, VR systems, and whatever else our creative minds can invent.
3. Then we add the mind-enhancing resources of Artificial Intelligence technologies, like ChatGPT, to provide: * customization * much more grunt. * an abundance of variations. * strong marketing copy.
4. Next, using a turn-key system now nearly developed, we act as separate centres of influence, and we progressively drip feed what we’ve jointly created, to our big, wide, wonderful world - over the whole of this decade.
5. This, in turn requires we alter the nature and form of our core businesses, so we can truly leverage and upscale what we've jointly created. The core Dream Team of STEEPRenaissance are expert in facilitating all this with you.
That's enough to keep us all collaboratively innovating and busy for 10 years!
Ten-year time horizon
Of course, personal, business, and organisational transformations are life-time processes. But in the light of the 5th Industrial Revolution and S.T.E.E.P Renaissance, for now, we adopt a ten-year time horizon.
Already, we have 17+ different programs and interventions designed, that together we further develop and drip-feed over the decade. Click this link for some of them. To these 17+ programs, you and we add your remarkables.
You have your way, we have ours
You have your way of kick-starting us collaborating. As you can see from the website header, I, and the Dream Team have ours. We've started by creating 1,000+ DIY insights, tips, tools, techniques and technologies that change individual lives for the far, far better. Now we are developed the same for SMEs and Medium-sized firms. Once we have our community, these will be launched as blogs, and interactive membership sites, hopefully before June 30, this year.
Of course, personal, business, and organisational transformations are life-time processes. But in the light of the 5th Industrial Revolution and S.T.E.E.P Renaissance, for now, we adopt a ten-year time horizon.
Already, we have 17+ different programs and interventions designed, that together we further develop and drip-feed over the decade. Click this link for some of them. To these 17+ programs, you and we add your remarkables.
You have your way, we have ours
You have your way of kick-starting us collaborating. As you can see from the website header, I, and the Dream Team have ours. We've started by creating 1,000+ DIY insights, tips, tools, techniques and technologies that change individual lives for the far, far better. Now we are developed the same for SMEs and Medium-sized firms. Once we have our community, these will be launched as blogs, and interactive membership sites, hopefully before June 30, this year.
What can I offer?
I am now 81, going on 18, still highly energetic, motivated, and with most of my marbles still intact. ADHD still slows me down a bit. I've been entrepreneuring and transforming lives and businesses in many, many ways since I was 12, when changed family circumstances lead me to become a bread winner while still at school - leading me to set up my first four micro-businesses. That's 69 solid years of accumulated experience and insight. And I dare say it, as we all enter a New Creative and Wisdom Age, I now have elder statesman wisdom. And am engaged in the strongest, integrative and collaborating growth spurt of my entire life, to date. This is the first asset I freely offer to our community.
Second, my extensive portfolio of transformational intellectual property and know-how – some of it still in my head - is rapidly being dramatized, productized, shared, sold, given away, licensed, and leveraged for the greater good. Hopefully yours is too!
Third, there's a turnkey membership template website under development we can all use - individually and collectively.
Fourth, my vision is both ultra clear - and open to modification by you.
I am now 81, going on 18, still highly energetic, motivated, and with most of my marbles still intact. ADHD still slows me down a bit. I've been entrepreneuring and transforming lives and businesses in many, many ways since I was 12, when changed family circumstances lead me to become a bread winner while still at school - leading me to set up my first four micro-businesses. That's 69 solid years of accumulated experience and insight. And I dare say it, as we all enter a New Creative and Wisdom Age, I now have elder statesman wisdom. And am engaged in the strongest, integrative and collaborating growth spurt of my entire life, to date. This is the first asset I freely offer to our community.
Second, my extensive portfolio of transformational intellectual property and know-how – some of it still in my head - is rapidly being dramatized, productized, shared, sold, given away, licensed, and leveraged for the greater good. Hopefully yours is too!
Third, there's a turnkey membership template website under development we can all use - individually and collectively.
Fourth, my vision is both ultra clear - and open to modification by you.
What value can YOU offer?
That’s what we need to explore.
That’s what we need to explore.
Can we, by collaborating, make a significant difference? Sure, we can.
As the famous American cultural anthropologist, Margaret Mead once said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
The issue is not can we make a positive dent in the Universe – but how large a dent can we, as a collaborating Dream Team, make?! What's for sure is, by combining resources and acting co-operatively and collaboratively as SMEs andMSFs we can punch, far, far above our weight.
The issue is not can we make a positive dent in the Universe – but how large a dent can we, as a collaborating Dream Team, make?! What's for sure is, by combining resources and acting co-operatively and collaboratively as SMEs andMSFs we can punch, far, far above our weight.
Let’s dialogue.
Let’s start a dialogue. No obligation. My home base is Melbourne, Australia. Yours can be anywhere. English needs to be our shared language. Zoom, etc, our initial form of communication.
Best you SMS me through What’s App. See the header for the number. Or email with a block heading in the subject line – something like DENTING THE UNIVERSE TOGETHER – at neville@nevillechristie.com
I’m keen to hear from you.
Neville D Christie
Let’s start a dialogue. No obligation. My home base is Melbourne, Australia. Yours can be anywhere. English needs to be our shared language. Zoom, etc, our initial form of communication.
Best you SMS me through What’s App. See the header for the number. Or email with a block heading in the subject line – something like DENTING THE UNIVERSE TOGETHER – at neville@nevillechristie.com
I’m keen to hear from you.
Neville D Christie

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Interested in original quotable quotes and memes you won't find elsewhere? Click: Nevilleisms.
There are now 17 different programs you can be part of: Find out more

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Six years ago, Tim Adalin and Neville Christie created this still-relevant dialogue.
It's about how we all can access the tools and systems to innovate collaboratively, change us, our futures, and the world for the far better.
It's about how we all can access the tools and systems to innovate collaboratively, change us, our futures, and the world for the far better.